Hello Tony !

Good to see you here again, choose the exactly right time to pop in.

I have looked at the KRP site, looked at the manuals, but saw only instructions for setting up ET control,

some lines about opening and closing speed of throttle for compensating tire slip,

but nothing really about start line controlling (controlling what, exactly? ).

Can you shine a light into this -relatively- new tech ?

I still remember that one night in the old sunday chat where you explained the legal tricks

involving delay boxes, crossover boxes, bumping up and down while lights were running down and other stuff

needed to be successful in US bracket racing.

So please sum up that tech for n00bs like me.

I would not like to have throttle stops in bracket racing as it dilutes the "seat of the pants" feeling

which I think is an essential part of bracket racing.

I would like to have throttle stops banned in the entry forms of NitrOlympX bracket classes.